Duke University
Make a Stock Gift
For more information about giving to Duke, visit the Duke University Development and the Alumni & Development Records web sites.
For specific questions contact the Alumni & Development Records Office via e-mail at stockgifts@duke.edu or via telephone at (919) 684-2338.
This form allows you to declare your intention to make a stock gift so that we may credit your gift appropriately. You must contact your broker to initiate the actual transaction.
Upon completion of this form, you will receive a confirmation email, as well as
transfer instructions and applicable forms that will assist you
in completing your gift to Duke.
Start Here |
Are you the donor or the broker?
Donor indicates a required field if you are the donor.
Broker indicates a required field if you are the broker.
Donor Information |
Please enter information about the donor in the following fields:
Check here if the donor has previously given gifts to Duke.
Broker Information |
Please enter information about the broker who will make the transfer:
I am not using a broker for this transaction.
How will you be sending the stock? (postal mail, courier, personal delivery, etc.)
I am using a broker for this transaction.
About This Gift |
Please tell us about the gift:
Expected date of transfer (mm/dd/yyyy):
Submit This Form |
Submit this form to send this information to Duke University's Alumni & Development Records office.